Program Tracks

Empowerlife Kinesiologist

Learn how to address stress in the body using a wide variety of tools and modalities. 

Brain Integration Certification

The following Level One courses are required before you begin the courses that specifically address the brain. 

For more information about how we address this topic, see the link below. 

Link to Empowerlifebrainintegration

Taking Courses from Empowerlife Trainings

The following courses have links to their individual landing page, where you may purchase the course. 

You may do independent study and learn at your own pace and timing, or you may join a group. When you sign up for a course, you will be notified of associated Labs. There is no extra charge for the Labs. 

We would be happy to talk to you about your needs and goals. Just email us, and we will arrange a time.

Talk to you soon!
Tami Davis
Debbie Luke

[email protected]

Integrative Somatic Support Workshop

This is one of our newest courses, and we are so excited about it! It has been a life-changer for us and some of our students. 

We begin by working with interoception - sensing into the body, learning how to find safety in your own body, and working with the Parts of you that get triggered.

We include many somatic (body-connecting) tools to help you calm your nervous system and return to a sense of safety.

You will learn how to recognize where you need to support yourself as you work with your mind, heart and body in an integrative way. 

Using Imagery, visualization, and specialized movements, you will take your transformation skills to the next level. You will learn about the Transformation Cycle, and steps to move through any issues that come up. 

These skills are transformative and foundational for daily life as well as for working with clients.

Pre-requisites: none

The Energy Workshop

Time to get excited about energy! This Workshop gives you the basics of energy, how we work with it, and the profound improvements you can achieve by understanding it. 

This Workshop consists of pre-recorded videos and a Live Lab. You may join us in person in West Jordan, Utah, or over Zoom. 

You will be learning many ways to sense energy and to move energy in the body. 

Pre-requisites: none

MRT: Muscle Response Testing

In this course, you will learn a vital, technical skill that will change the way you perform and understand muscle testing.  

Muscle Response Testing goes beyond the "yes or no" information that most muscle testing provides. You will learn to use an "indicator muscle" to access information of how stress is held  in the body. 

You will learn how to read three different states of stress that correlate with the nervous system activation you learned about in the Integrative Somatic Support Workshop. 

This allows you to not only access information in an objective, honoring way, but to communicate with the body at a somatic level and determine what the body needs to support the process of healing. The physiology and mechanics of muscle testing will be explained and practiced.

Included: MRT Skill Builder

This course is an extension of MRT: Muscle Response Testing. The information in MRT is intended to give you a foundation for developing the skill, and Skill Building 2 gives you more tools to increase your capacity to identify information in the body.

You will learn about Hand Modes, Scanning, and using Priority Mode. You will learn all the tools for Pre-tests to assess the stability of a client. There are several support tools and hydration support. 

Included in this expanded version, is a section on mindset when working with clients. You will learn about neutrality, how to prevent energy traps, and how to put your own issues aside when working with others. 

The final section gives practical information about setting up a practice and templates for self-preparation,  a Balancing Session, and post-session clearing. 

Pre-requisites: none, Energy Workshop and Integrative Somatic Workshop recommended

Pathways: Working with the Movement of Qi

In this course, we will explore some of the differences between Western allopathic thought and the Eastern holistic paradigm. We will dive into some of these holistic concepts as we explore Yin & Yang, the nature of Qi, the Meridian System - how energy, or Qi, flows through the body, and Acupoints, or Acupuncture points, learning how they can be used to affect the energy in our body (no needles). You will be given an important shortcut technique, called Mu Points, that will enhance speed and accuracy in your work.

We will next explore the practical aspects of Meridians: where they are located, how they flow, and how to balance them using simple and profound techniques. The Meridians are essential for balancing the body and do the actual work of transporting the Qi.  

You will learn how the Meridians fit into some of the next systems you will learn - like the Body Clock and the 5 Elements. 

You will begin to experiment with assisting a person in balancing simple emotions using the Meridians and the techniques you learned in The Energy Workshop, Integrated Somatic Support Workshop, and MRT.

Included: Understanding Meridians

This is a wonderful resource for understanding the roles of the Meridians - physically, energetically, and how they reflect the workings of the mind, body, heart, and spirit. This reference manual includes four pages of scan charts for each of the 14 Meridians (including the Governing and Central Vessels)

You can quickly identify underlying issues and patterns as you use the information in a variety of ways.

The included recordings give deeper information, building your foundational understanding of the nature of the Meridians.

This will be an invaluable tool for any type of practice that includes Meridians as you work with yourself or with clients.

Prerequisites: MRT, (Energy Workshop recommended)

Gui: Understanding and Moving through Negative Thoughts, Emotions, and Feelings

In the course of daily life, we experience a wide array of situations, emotions or even trauma that leave us feeling a bit off.

Many times, while working with clients, it becomes apparent that something is amiss. The muscle testing is not consistent, you feel confusion, or the person seems stuck in their process.

This is when you can test for GUI (gway) energy. The procedures in this course will lead you from the most basic techniques to more complex and powerful techniques.

The first in a series of Gui courses, you will learn  from a Panel of five practitioners, each sharing how they experience different aspects of chaotic energies, and how emotions and feelings affect our experience.

Prerequisite: Energy Workshop recommended

Chakra Touch the Basics

Heart Centered

Learn how to access the 7 Major Chakras, the energy centers that interface between your interior and exterior environments. The Chakras each govern important Spiritual Life lessons. They hold and impart information about safety, trust, empowerment, love, truth, intuition and spiritual connection. 

Energy gets trapped in these centers and learning to release this can bring balance, calm and clarity to yourself or your clients. Using the chakra system, you can make connections at the emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical levels in safe and effective manner.

The manual contains extensive information about each Chakra, as well as balancing tools using color, sound, emotions, and palming areas. 

Included: CTB Skill Builder

This course is an extension of Chakra Touch the Basics. We will bring Chakras into the skillset of Energy Kinesiology by incorporating the use of Meridian Indicator Points, or Mu Points to identify which Chakra you will be working with. 

Also included, are the handspan distance balancing locations for each Chakra.

Gui Clock

This course expands upon the Gui 1 course, supporting powerful Gui clearing. Physical movement is essential for moving energy, and specific movements are offered, based on the flow of Qi through the body as seen in the Body Clock. 

Additional Luo point triad combinations assist the removal of dense, negative energy. Using this balanced method of releasing and restoring positive flow through the body helps the professional facilitator maintain flow in a session. 

Gui Clock may be used in conjunction with the emotional information in Gui 1, along with tools from Chakra Touch.

Pre-requisite: MRT, Gui 1, Pathways

Chakra Pairs

This exciting course will take your Chakra work to the next level!

You will learn to address the Yin & Yang aspects of the Chakras and specific pairing of Chakras for maximum balancing effect.

You will learn how to bring Chakra balancing into the physical body to shift emotions. You will develop your ability to create narratives around the emotions that indicate. 

When we are experiencing strong beliefs or emotions, it is difficult to determine their source. Is it yours, or is it theirs? Is the information in your conscious or your unconscious?

 You will learn the significance of the information we carry in the Front and Back of the Chakras, as well as what is coming into or going out of the Chakras.

Pre-requisite: MRT, The Energy Workshop, Chakra Pairs the Basics

Elementos: Elements within the Elements

Elementos is an extensive collection of Struggles and Strengths from 196 Meridian combinations from the Element point of view.

Recognize your belief cycles, and gently bust open your unconscious patterns! This extensive awareness resource will be your constant companion.

 With Elementos, you can empower yourself or your clients through identifying conscious or unconscious beliefs or emotions underlying the current struggle, and immediately get to the core of what a person is dealing with. Our mental states affect us on many levels, even though we may not be aware of them. Shining the light on our underlying patterns is the first step to transforming them to Strengths.

Prerequisites: MRT, Pathways, or knowledge of Elements and Meridians

More Level One Courses

The following courses are in various stages of production:

Working with the Elements
The Body Clock
Organs & Glands
Directing Points Powers of Stress System
Mini-classes for Skill Building

There are additional Self-Study prerequisites for Brain Integration students:

Anatomy & Physiology for Manual Therapists
Ethics of Touch
Skill Building


The following Courses are not required for Brain Integration Certification.

NK Immune and Vaccination Pathways 1&2 with EK Navigating the Immune System

Learn the basic of the Immune System and beyond! 

From the immune cells themselves, to how they interact with each other, with our bodies and with invaders.

The NK Courses cover the foundational information along with more complex formatting and Holograms to address multiple issues.

The EK Navigating the Immune System takes the information into functional pathways, including the use of new Modes, Formats and Flowcharts.

The NK courses are a pre-requisite for the EK course. These courses are pre-requisites for further courses in the Immune System, including the Food Sensitivity course.

The Empowerlife Team

Ronald Wayman, Tami Davis and Debbie Luke have the great privilege and joy of creating and teaching courses designed to train beginners and more advanced students in Energy Kinesiology techniques. They have been working together on courses for nearly 10 years, and love to provide students with quality information, manuals and training.

Ronald, Tami and Debbie EK Team