Group Class or Independent Study

This course may be studied independently, or you may join a group that is supported by 5 weekly online or in-person labs.

Please check with us for the next group course date.

About This Course

Learn how to access the Chakras, the energy centers that interface between your interior and exterior environments. The Chakras each govern important Spiritual Life lessons. They hold and impart information about safety, trust, empowerment, love, truth, intuition and spiritual connection. Energy gets trapped in these centers and learning to release this can bring balance, calm and clarity to yourself or your clients.

Using the chakra system, you can make connections at the emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical levels in safe and effective manner.

The included Reference manual includes information about the following:

  • Emotions
  • Energy Management
  • How the energy is perceived
  • Associated Organs/Glands
  • Influences on the Body
  • Excessive & Deficient Energy
  • Balanced Energy
  • Money in the Chakra
  • Life Lessons
  • Activities to support the Chakra
  • Spiritual Considerations

CTB Skill Builder

Included with this course is a Skill Builder that teaches how to use Muscle Response Testing with the Meridians to determine which Chakra is the priority to balance. 

You will also be given the palming distances from the body for each Chakra. 

Course Highlights

  • Anatomy & Physiology of the Chakra
  • Location and color associations
  • Connecting to your Personal Energy Fields
  • Grounding
  • Sensing and Using Intuition with the Chakras
  • Chakra Emotions Procedure
  • Using hand modes to communicate with the body and chakra system
  • Balancing techniques 
  • Chakra Touch Connect
  • Chakra Buddies
  • Chakra Stairsteps
  • Chakra Touch for Organs & Glands
  • Chakra Touch for Areas of Concern
  • Chakra Colors Centering

Pricing options

Your Instructors

Ronald Wayman, Tami Davis and Debbie Luke have the great privilege and joy of creating and teaching courses designed to train beginners and more advanced students in Energy Kinesiology techniques. They have been working together on courses for nearly 10 years, and love to provide students with quality information, manuals and training.

Ronald, Tami and Debbie EK Team

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Week One: Chakra Structure and Function

    • Manual Overview

    • Introduction to Chakras

    • Quiz: Introduction to Chakras

    • Chakra Structure

    • Quiz: Chakra Structure

    • Chakra Hug

    • Chakras and the Nervous System

    • Quiz: Chakras and the Nervous System

    • Endocrine System and Nadis

    • Quiz: Endocrine System and Nadis

    • 7 Major Chakras Themes

    • Quiz: 7 Major Chakras Themes

    • 7 Major Chakra Themes, continued

    • Quiz: 7 Major Chakras Themes, continued

    • Methods for Connecting to the Chakras: Intuition

    • Quiz: Methods for Connecting to the Chakras: Intuition

    • Intuitive Scanning

    • Quiz: Intuitive Scanning

    • Demo: Connecting to the Chakras Using Intuition

  • 02

    Week Two: Root and Sacral Plexus Chakras

    • About the Root/Base Chakra

    • Quiz: About the Root/Base Chakra

    • Root Chakra Overview

    • Root/Base Chakra Pages

    • Essence of the Root Chakra

    • Connecting to the Chakras Using Muscle Response Testing

    • Using Modes

    • Quiz: Using Modes

    • Chakra Palming

    • Quiz: Chakra Palming

    • Demo: Chakra Palming

    • Tuning into Chakras through Conversations

    • Quiz: Tuning into Chakras through Conversations

    • Chakra Conversation Demo Part 1

    • Chakra Conversation Demo Part 2

    • About the Sacral Plexus Chakra

    • Quiz: About the Sacral Plexus Chakra

    • Sacral Plexus Chakra Overview

    • Sacral Plexus Chakra Pages

    • Essence of the Sacral Plexus Chakra

    • Meditation & Contemplation

    • Quiz: Meditation & Contemplation

    • Using Visualizations

  • 03

    Week Three: Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras

    • About the Solar Plexus Chakra

    • Quiz: About the Solar Plexus Chakra

    • Solar Plexus Chakra Overview

    • Solar Plexus Chakra Pages

    • Essence of the Solar Plexus Chakra

    • Residual Energy Forms

    • Quiz: Residual Energy Forms

    • Demo: REF Procedure

    • About the Heart Chakra

    • Quiz: About the Heart Chakra

    • Heart Chakra Overview

    • Heart Chakra Pages

    • Essence of the Heart Chakra

    • Heart Chakra Experience

    • Chakra Touch Connect

    • Demo: Chakra Touch Connect

    • Demo: Palming One Chakra w 2 Hands

  • 04

    Week Four: Throat and Brow Chakras

    • About the Throat Chakra

    • Quiz: About the Throat Chakra

    • Throat Chakra Overview

    • Throat Chakra Pages

    • Essence of the Throat Chakra

    • Chakra Buddies

    • Chakra Stair Steps

    • Chakra Color Options

    • Quiz: Chakra Color Options

    • Demo: Chakra Colors Procedure

    • Chakra Sound Options

    • Quiz: Chakra Sounds

    • Demo: Chakra Sound Procedure

    • Demo: Chakra Sound and Color Procedure

    • About the Brow Chakra

    • Quiz: About the Brow Chakra

    • Brow Chakra Overview

    • Brow Chakra Pages

    • Essence of the Brow Chakra

    • Working with Emotions

    • Quiz: Working with Emotions

    • Demo: Chakra Emotions Procedure

  • 05

    Week Five: The Crown Chakra

    • Using the Chakra Charts

    • Demo: Using the Chakra Charts

    • About the Crown Chakra

    • Quiz: About the Crown Chakra

    • Crown Chakra Overview

    • Crown Chakra Pages

    • Essence of the Crown Chakra

    • Chakra Shower Visualization

    • Chakra Touch for Organs & Glands

    • Quiz: Chakra Touch for Organs & Glands

    • Demo: Chakra Touch for Organs & Glands

    • Chakra Touch for Areas of Concern

    • Quiz: Chakra Touch for Areas of Concern

    • Demo: Chakra Touch for Areas of Concern

    • Additional Supports

  • 06

    Week Six: CTB Skill Building

    • About this Mini-Course

    • Hand Spans

    • Demo: Hand Spans

    • Mu Points and the Chakras

    • Identifying a Chakra with Mu Points

    • Demo: Identifying a Chakra with Mu Points

    • Chakra Palming Procedure with MRT

    • Demo: Chakra Palming Procedure with Hand Spans

    • Demo: Chakra Emotions Procedure w/Mu Points & Hand Spans

  • 07


    • Assignments - Weeks One through Six

  • 08

    2024 Labs

    • Lab 1a

    • Lab 1b

    • Lab 1c