About this Course

Recognize your belief cycles, and gently bust open your unconscious patterns! This extensive awareness resource will be your constant companion.

 With Elementos, you can empower yourself or your clients through identifying conscious or unconscious beliefs or emotions underlying the current struggle, and immediately get to the core of what a person is dealing with. Our mental states affect us on many levels, even though we may not be aware of them. Shining the light on our underlying patterns is the first step to transforming them to Strengths.

 Elementos is an extensive collection of Struggles and Strengths from 196 Meridian combinations from the Element point of view. For example, within the Liver section, you will find Liver/Liver, Liver/Gall Bladder, Liver/Heart, Liver/Small Intestine, etc.

 Included within Elementos

  •  Simple explanation of the Elements
  • Elements Supporting Elements*
  • Easy to use Procedures
  • Balancing points with pictures
  • Struggles and Strengths Statements* for 196 combinations of Meridians
  • Meridian Balancers*
  • Equalizers*

  *New to this version

 Upgrades from the Original

  • New Procedure and charts –Elements Supporting Elements
  • Each page has been re-formatted
  • The Statements are easily read and understood
  • There are two sections for each combination – Struggles and Strengths
  • Meridian Balancers have been added
  • Equalizers have been added


When to Use Elementos

  • Any time you are working in Meridians or Elements
  • Recognizing and transforming underlying patterns
  • As a Challenger
  • As a Balance
  • Personal Development
  • Coaching Tool
  • Finding the perfect Affirmation for the moment


Understanding what is behind the issues

“As I do energy work, I have a need to understand what is behind the issues that are showing up for me or for my clients. So, if I am using the meridians, my Go To is Elementos. Being able to address the underlying causes and issues of why a particular belief or stress is happening is invaluable. That is done through statements from the lens of Struggles and Strengths with the specific meridian I’m working with online. Then, I can see how the second, or reference meridian affects the original meridian, giving a much more refined and specific understanding of what is going on.

I find Elementos to be truly an amazing and powerful tool. I have had clients say, are you sure that this wasn’t written for me because it fit so perfectly with what was happening in their lives regarding the issues we are addressing.

With this updated version, there are additional balance points to use that tremendously assist the body to assimilate what has been discovered through using the Elementos points. This then helps the work to be that much more stable and supportive of the individual person's needs regarding their issues being addressed. They are able to walk away with much more resolution and understanding in a supported manner.

To me this work is divinely inspired and gives so much depth, understanding and clarity as I do my work. I am so grateful and appreciate the many efforts that have been taken to make this work available for me and others as we move forward on our healing journeys.”

Tami Davis

Deepens the connection and transformation of the story

“I truly appreciate Elementos. I use or refer to it nearly every day for myself and/or clients. Having taken the original class years ago, it remains a valuable resource for understanding, balancing, and gaining powerful insights into what might be holding me back internally—mind, heart, and body.

I love the updated Elementos. It clarifies and expands balancing techniques that deepen the connection and transformation of the story with invaluable insight for the needed healing. Just yesterday, I had a transformative insight into a dynamic tug-of-war that I was finally able to release and transform. I highly recommend Elementos; it's something I believe can benefit everyone.”

Denise W. Scholes

Works with stress management and psychological reversals

“To all you wonderful people:

The new Elementos book is gorgeous and updated with additional points added to complete the transitions within the body. I use Elementos along with Meridian Switching to work with stress management and psychological reversals. Truly this work has been, is and will continue to be a blessing to myself and my clients.”

Sarah W.

Essential part of my toolkit

“Elementos is an essential part of my toolkit. It always makes the cut when I take manuals on the road. There are soooo many ways to use it! I love hearing how other people benefit from it. I use it pretty much every time I work with a client.”

Debbie Luke

So versatile! Simple, yet powerful!

 “I really love Elementos because it can be a stand-alone or be used with other systems.  You can plug it in anywhere, it is so versatile. 

 I use it personally when I’m struggling with an emotional state that comes up repeatedly. When I want a quick fix, I get my points and get right to the thing that has me stuck in a funk. The statements are always right on! I like to write the struggle on one side of a 3x5 card, and the strength on the other side. During the day, when I slip into the funk, I can refer to the card and use the strength as an affirmation. Focusing on the strength helps me adjust the pattern and reinforce the positive and what it is I really want. 

 You can use it with a stuck client who can’t see their issue. The statements are quick metaphors that help the client find the antidote. It gives you so much to work with. Sometimes I read all the statements. I describe it as a constellation of issues that have to do with this part of your story/struggle. I have them pick one or two statements that resonate the most. I tell them how I use it. I have them write them down. I tell them, “This is something you will want to be aware of when you start to go back into a pattern. Then, here’s the strength to use as an antidote.” It’s a nice thing to give a client for something to walk away with and something to do. This gives them a bit of homework, as a clincher.

 I hold the balancing points in the session, but I may suggest that they hold different areas of the body when they are focusing on the strength affirmations. At the next visit, I check in with my client to see how it went, then discuss if they need something else to bolster up the transformation. 

 I’ve used it for myself, and for my clients to have a more lasting ability to remember what they were working on. It is something concrete and a support they can walk away with to help them in the future as they continue to integrate.  I love it and find it so helpful in so many ways.”

 Susan Vincent