Navigating the Immune System Series
Empowerlife Kinesiology's
The Immune System is an intricate, complex protection system that affects all aspects of our lives. Physical wellness, mental acuity, and our emotional well being are all affected by the workings of innumerable cellular organisms.
Learning about the roles of the players in the system and how they function is the first step to learning how to influence and enhance their abilities to work for our benefit.
Empowerlife Kinesiology is pleased to present Navigating the Immune System, a step-by-step exploration into the system and a wide variety of issues regarding the Immune System.
This material is a combination of Hugo Tobar's NK immune formats and Ron's EK formats and tools that he uses to enhance Navigating the Immune System.
Energy Kinesiologists have long known the benefits of using Hand Modes. In this course, Ron will introduce many Modes that will help you access and isolate particular activities and "states" of immune function.
This brings awareness to the immune cells of what is currently happening within the body. Pathogens are more than clever and have methods for hiding/cloaking their presence to avoid detection. Using a particular mode gives the body a clear view and opportunity to function as designed.
This course presents an extensive series of flowcharts and simple procedures that facilitate navigating through the myriad of processes in this complex system.
The procedures have been made easy to use with the addition of mode pictures and formats. An index is currently being created to further facilitate the navigation process.
The Immune System is vast and complex. We at Empowerlife Kinesiology have created a series of Flowcharts in order to make navigation simpler.
In order to navigate the many flowcharts, we have created a Master MAP.
Part One introduces the MAP, as well as the Specific and Non-specific Immune System.
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This Lymph Node Physiology class includes Hugo’s NK formatting for lymph node physiology, function and formats.
In addition, Ron has added his accumulation mode and release for lymphatic congestion, as well as other additional formats.
Tami has supplied 2 additional flowcharts that she and Ron have created to help you flow through one of the most important parts of the immune system.
Expand your ability to release the accumulation of energy that the Chinese have shown in the acupuncture meridians for thousands of years. Ron has been able to access the accumulation (xi-cleft) points for the lymphatics, the arteries, the veins, the membranes, etc.
This class includes the modes and procedure for the release points for this accumulation.
In addition, we present a procedure that supports the transport of fluid from the blood, into and through the lymph system. The modes and procedure support a stressed immune system when proteins and other larger molecules from the blood do not transport to the lymph efficiently. This creates a stress on the kidneys, which leads to energy and protein issues throughout the body.
The lymph system relies on one-way valves along the lymph vessels that open to allow interstitial fluid to enter the lymph system. When there is stress in the valves themselves, various conditions like edema can occur. Ron will presents a mode and format to address lymph vessel valve stress.
You will also receive more on the Antigen Presentation procedure to include the Affinity mode. This mode will address attraction for the molecules of the T cells and the dendrites, and at a more molecular level, for the receptors of the cytokines. There are several types of affinity attraction discussed.
These are important pieces of information, because the immune system relies on communication within the system, and transportation between aspects of the system, including the lymph system and the lymph nodes in particular.
When we don’t know the Self at a cellular level, the Immune System can and does work against us. This can create the conditions for a range of syndromes that affect many of us.
This class introduces pathways and insights into the immune responses to Chronic Fatigue and toxicity in the immune system. We include new modes to determine some self-awareness in regards to the various parts of the immune system. This allows the ability to more accurately deal with the stress of the ratios of immune cells, deficiency, excess, and more.
Ron discusses the various immune and non-immune considerations for Syndromes with a focus on the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or (Myalgic encephalomyelitis).
Most individuals have some form of the many symptoms that are allocated to this syndrome. Whether that be problems with insomnia, exhaustion, headaches, pain, confusion, sore throat, tender lymph nodes, irritable bowel, allergies, sinus issues, shortness of breath, or heart irregularity.
Often, individuals having more than 3 symptoms with these syndromes will have difficulty staying balanced during their process. This class will look at this.
The Regeneration State and Balanced Immune Complement mode increase your ability to keep an individual balanced while going through the healing process.
This class continues the principles for working with viruses like Epstein Barr, Cytomegalovirus, other viruses in the herpes family, and more with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and how they interact with the complement system.
While other immune courses work with the RNA and DNA in the infected cells, this course addresses pathways to the infection process, and how the virus interacts with the cells, the complement system and the markers in the interstitial environment.
When a virus has begun to infect cells of the body, you can create an ability for the remainder of the cells to recognize what is happening and prevent infection. These modes and procedures empower the complement system, which gets hijacked in the viral infection process.
Ron discusses how a virus interacts with a cell before it enters. Viruses interfere with the intelligence of the immune system in order to promulgate. Learn how to work with interference patterns, the methods the viruses use to interfere with the immune system to prevent the infection of cells.
Modes for adhesion and interference acknowledge the state of the energy in the infection process. The modes recognize the level of intelligence in the virus and assist the body in counter-intelligence and protection.
Included in this class is a special Follicular T Helper Pathway flowchart that is essential for activating B cells and for inflammation. Virus Pathways with the Complement System are discussed, as well as the similarity to Bacteria Pathways.
From NK Immune & Vaccination Pathways 1, Vaccination Pathways discusses the history and benefits of vaccinations as well as the challenges to the body.
Ron discusses how vaccinations work with the immune system.
Reactions to preservatives or other aspects of vaccinations are discussed.
Procedures to support the body and address and de-stress reactions to vaccinations will be presented.
Learn how to use the Holograms from NK Immune 2.
An overview of the available Holograms from the manual, including Specific Immune and T Killer Cell Holograms.
Bacterial infections are behind most physiological issues that humans face. Most illnesses, pain, injury, and chronic conditions, as well as many allergies or physical problems have some sort of bacteria involved. So even when there are viral or fungal situations, there could also be a bacteria lurking inside.
This class continues the principles of the immune system with the focus on supporting the body’s immune response to bacteria. Bacteria recognition at the innate immune and the adaptive immune system levels is just the beginning. Dealing with bacterial problems requires recognition at the complement system level, pattern recognition receptor level, chromosome and genes, proteins, etc.
We will cover types of bacteria, growth stages, and the crazy ability that bacteria have of creating bacterial communities and/or bacteria biofilms. Biofilms have caused many of the problems with antibiotic use because bacteria can learn and adapt, becoming super-bugs in an enclosed community. Accessing the biofilms with energy is a huge advantage so the body can recognize the enemy in a chaotic immune environment.
When there is excess antibody and phagocytosis activity there can be excess debris in the interstitial fluid. In this mini-class we are adding in the xi-cleft accumulation point to assist in clearing that energy.
This class includes formats to assist you in your work with these issues, such as accessing bacterial recognition, pattern recognition receptors, and clearing biofilms. This is an amazing amount of information to assist you with finding the root causes to so many of the problems that people experience.
Additional information has been added to many of the procedures so that you can support the immune system with dealing with bacteria.
This Immune class is one of the most important ones to date, as it addresses one of the most difficult types of pathogens for the immune system to deal with. Fungus is a huge problem for individuals with suppressed or challenged immune systems, giving these challenged individuals with fungal infections issues that are difficult to treat medically. It is even common to be exposed to candida fungal pathogens in many hospital settings.
In addition, fungal infections are a problem for those with chronic fatigue, allergies, learning disabilities, mental illness, female organ infections, nursing mothers, thrush in children, pulmonary issues, digestive issues, prosthetic device implantations, sinusitis, and many more. The use of anti-fungal drugs push the liver and if the medication doesn’t match the fungus there is little hope.
Energy workers and Herbalist are always challenged with eradicating fungal problems in the body. Many do procedures, not realizing the vast intelligence and capabilities of these pseudo-plant/pseudo-animal creatures that can wreak havoc on the human body.
There are thousands of species of fungus, hundreds are a problem for the body. Of these, most of them are opportunistic and take advantage of the human body when they are given a chance.
In this class, we look at some of the ways that the fungi can take advantage. We look at the structure, the switching between phenotypes, the biofilm communities they create with bacteria or viruses, the immune responses, and ways to identify how to address them.
We look at the forms of yeast, hyphae, pseudo-hyphae, micelle, fruiting bodies, and molds. Hand modes for these will be offered.
For example, the ability of most fungi to switch their phenotype is very important to understand and access. This allows a morphological change to the fungus so that it can deal with environmental changes inside the body that allows for its avoidance from the immune system and to escape into the body.
To recap: Another problem is the ability of the fungus to join forces with other microbes. This can create biofilms that make it very difficult for the body to attack certain bacteria. Due to the rise of antibiotic use, the rise in the number of fungal infections has risen dramatically in the last 70 to 80 years.
The main fungi of concern are Candida and its multiple forms, as well as Aspergillus and its invasive effect on the body including mold forms.
This Immune course is intriguing because it unveils the many hidden and misunderstood areas surrounding parasites and their effect on the human immune system. One aspect is vast array of types of parasites, including microsporidia, bacteria and protozoa, helminths types, etc.. We will discuss the difference between protozoa and helminth.
Parasites in their various forms can have short-term and long-term harmful effects at all levels of the body and mind. They are capable of hiding and causing disruption to the immune system. They can migrate and change their shape and structure. They can use the body’s own self antigens and hide behind that cloak of disguise.
Some parasites can use bacteria for their own purpose and others have their own set of pathogens that cause inflammation confusion to the human body systems, including the immune system. It is possible the psyche of animals (including humans, of course) are influenced by parasites, thus behaviors and diet choices could potentially be in favor of the parasite and its survival.
Individuals with suppressed or compromised immune systems are more susceptible to parasitic invasion and complications. However, most, if not all, have some form of parasite in their body, even if it is in a dormant or controlled state. Long term problems can be an indication that there are protozoa or microsporidia lurking inside. Other chronic conditions could point to the helminths having a force in the body.
There are many considerations and possibilities. This class is to help identify the types, the stages, the concepts, as well as the formats and energy patterns that will enable and facilitate you to balance the body when it is challenged with parasitic pathogens.
Class Highlights
Instructor Bio:
Ronald Wayman